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This function was deprecated because DLW data will loaded directly from a flat folder structure which allows bypassing the use of datalibweb in Stata, making the pipdp Stata package useless.From now on, use the dlw functions: pip_load_dlw_inventory, pip_find_dlw, and pip_load_dlw.


  country = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  survey_acronym = NULL,
  vermast = NULL,
  veralt = NULL,
  module = NULL,
  tool = NULL,
  condition = NULL,
  source = NULL,
  root_dir = Sys.getenv("PIP_ROOT_DIR"),
  maindir = pip_create_globals(root_dir)$PIP_DATA_DIR,
  inv_file = fs::path(maindir, "_inventory/inventory.fst"),
  filter_to_pc = FALSE,
  filter_to_tb = FALSE,
  verbose = getOption("pipload.verbose")



character: vector of ISO3 country codes.


numeric: survey year


character: Survey acronym


character: Master version in the form v## or ##


character: Alternative version in the form v## or ##


character: combination of tool and source separated by a hyphen (e.g., PC-GPWG)


character: PIP tool in which data will be used. It could be PC for Poverty Calculator or TB for Table Maker. Others will be added


character: logical condition that applies to all surveys. For example, "year > 2012". Make sure the condition uses the names of the variables in pip_load_inventory(): orig, filename, country_code, year, survey_acronym, vermast, veralt, collection, module, tool, and source. Can't be used with arguments country, year, survey_acronym , vermast, veralt, module or tool.


character: Source of data. It could be GPWG, HIST, GROUP, synth, BIN, and ALL. The latter is used only in Table Maker.


character: root directory of the PIP data


character: Main directory


character: file path to be loaded.


logical: If TRUE filter most recent data to be included in the Poverty Calculator. Default if FALSE


logical: If TRUE filter most recent data to be included in the Table Maker. Default if FALSE


logical: whether to display message. Default is TRUE


data.frame: list of filenames to be loaded with pcn_load()


# all years for one country
pip_find_data(country = "ARG")
#> ! root_dir is not defined. Directory paths will lack network-drive root
#> directory
#> Error: [EACCES] Failed to make directory '/PIP-Data_QA': permission denied

#' # all years for more than one country
pip_find_data(country = c("COL", "ARG"))
#> ! root_dir is not defined. Directory paths will lack network-drive root
#> directory
#> Error: [EACCES] Failed to make directory '/PIP-Data_QA': permission denied

# specific years for one country
            country = "COL",
            year = c(2010, 2012)
#> ! root_dir is not defined. Directory paths will lack network-drive root
#> directory
#> Error: [EACCES] Failed to make directory '/PIP-Data_QA': permission denied

# country FHF does not exist so it will be part of `fail` output (No error)
       country = c("ARG", "FHF"),
       year = 2010
#> ! root_dir is not defined. Directory paths will lack network-drive root
#> directory
#> Error: [EACCES] Failed to make directory '/PIP-Data_QA': permission denied

# Load a different module (e.g., GPWG)
pip_find_data(country = "PRY",
             year = 2010,
             module = "PC-GPWG")
#> ! root_dir is not defined. Directory paths will lack network-drive root
#> directory
#> Error: [EACCES] Failed to make directory '/PIP-Data_QA': permission denied

# Load different sources
pip_find_data(country = "COL",
             source = "HIST")
#> ! root_dir is not defined. Directory paths will lack network-drive root
#> directory
#> Error: [EACCES] Failed to make directory '/PIP-Data_QA': permission denied
if (FALSE) {
# more than two years for more than one country (only firt year will be used)
       country = c("COL", "ARG"),
       year = c(2010, 2012)

# all countries and years