3  Folder Structure

The PIP root directory (Sys.getenv("PIP_ROOT_DIR")) contains the following main folders.

Folder Explanation
PIP-Data N/A
PIP-Data_QA QA directory for survey and AUX data
PIP-PIP_Data_Testing Testing directory for pipaux and pipdp
PIP-PIP_Data_Vintage N/A
pip_ingestion_pipeline Pipeline directory

Details on each folder and their subfolders are given below.

3.1 PIP-Data

This folder is no longer in use.

This was the original PIP_Data folder. It was used for testing and development of {pipdp} and {pipaux}, but has since been replaced by PIP-Data_QA and PIP_Data_Testing.

3.2 PIP-Data_QA

This is the main output directory for the {pipdp} and {pipaux} packages. It contains all the survey and auxiliary data needed to run the Poverty Calculator and Table Maker pipelines.

Note that the contents of this folder is for QA and production purposes. Please use the PIP_Data_Testing directory, or your own personal testing directory, if you intend to test code changes in {pipdp} or {pipaux}.

3.2.1 _aux

The _aux folder contains the auxiliary data used by the Poverty Calculator Pipeline and the {pipdp} and {pipapi} packages.

Please note the following:

  1. The file sna/NAS special_2021-01-14.xlsx is currently hardcoded in {pipaux}. If the contents of the file changes this package might need to be updated.
  2. Some other National Accounts special cases (e.g. BLZ, VEN) are manually hardcoded in pipaux. Beware of this when updating GDP/PCE.
  3. The file weo/weo_<YYYY-MM-DD>.xls needs to be manually downloaded from IMF, opened and then re-saved as weo_<YYYY-MM-DD>.xls.
  4. The grouped data means currently come from the PovcalNet Masterfile. This should be changed when PovcalNet goes out of production.

An explanation of each subfolder is given below.

Folder Measure Usage Source
countries PIP country list pipapi pipaux
country_list WDI country list pipaux, PC pipeline pipaux
cp Country profiles pipai pipaux
cpi CPI PC pipeline pipaux
dlw DLW repository pipdp pipdp
gdm Grouped data means PC pipeline pipaux
gdp Gross Domestic Product PC pipeline pipaux
maddison Maddison Project Data pipaux pipaux
indicators Indicators master pipapi, PC pipeline Manual, pipaux
pce Private consumption PC pipeline pipaux
pfw Price Framework pipdp, PC pipeline pipaux
pl Poverty Lines pipapi pipaux
pop Population PC pipeline pipaux
ppp Purchasing Power Parity PC pipeline pipaux
regions Regions pipapi pipaux
sna Special National Account cases pipaux Manual
weo World Economic Outlook (GDP) pipaux IMF, pipaux

The data in the folders countries, regions, pl, cp and indicators are loaded into the Poverty Calculator pipeline, but that they are not used for any calculations or modified in any way, when being parsed through the pipeline. They are thus only listed with {pipapi} as their usage.

In contrast the measures CPI, GDP, PCE, POP and PPP are both used in the pre-calculations and transformed before being saved as pipeline outputs. So even though these measures are also available in the PIP PC API, the files at this stage only have the Poverty Calculator pipeline as their use case.

3.2.2 _inventory

The _inventory folder contains the PIP inventory file created by pipload::pip_update_inventory(). It is important to update this file if the survey data has been updated.

3.2.3 Country data

The folders with country codes as names, e.g AGO, contain survey data for each country. This is created by {pipdp}. The folder structure within each country folder follows roughly the same convention as used by DLW.

There will be one data file for each survey, based on DLW’s GMD module and the grouped data in the PovcalNet-drive. These are labelled with PC in their filenames. Additionally, if there is survey data available from DLW’s ALL module there will also be a dataset for the Table Maker, labelled with TB.

3.3 PIP-Data_ExtSOL

This folder is for external SOL application. This is the folder where the data for the externa SOL will be synced between the network drive and the storage in Azure. The synchronization will be done daily from the ITS side. There are two subfolders GMD-DLW and HFPS-COVID19.

  • GMD-DLW: it is the folder for GMD data for both raw and harmonized GMD data.
  • HFPS-COVID19: it is the folder for High Frequent Phone Survey data for both raw and harmonized data.

The structured folders for these two catalogs are standard likes the ones used in DLW system.

There are dofiles on the synchronization between GMD in DLW and GMD in SOL. Those files are “Data in SOL.xlsx” and “Convert GMD to GMD SOL.do”. Only data with clear and explicit data license will be uploaded in this folder.

For now, only “public data” is in this application. Public means any users can download and redistribute the data, and there is no login in the country NSO website or any condition/terms when downloading the data. Otherwise, there is an explicit agreement with NSO on the usage of the data for SOL – email: Microdata for an external Statistics Online (SOL) platform.

At the moment, we are working with Legal on the Custom license for the data license template where SOL will be mentioned explicitly. Once the Custom license is developed (after the launch of SOL) we can reach out to all countries to ask for permission to use and “limited redistribute” in the data in our secured platform.

Please do not touch or change any content in this folder without permission

3.4 PIP_Data_Testing

This folder is used as a testing directory for development of the {pipdp} and {pipaux} packages.

3.5 PIP_Data_Vintage

This folder is currently not in use.

3.6 pip_ingestion_pipeline

This is the main output directory for the both the Poverty Calculator and Table Maker pipelines.

3.6.1 pc_data

Folder Explanation
_targets Targets storage
cache Cleaned survey data
output PC pipline output directory
validation Validation directory _targets

This folder contains the objects that are cached by {targets} when the Poverty Calculator Pipeline is run. It is located on the shared network drive so that the latest cached objects are available to all team members. Please note however that a shared _targets folder does entail some risks. It is very important that only one person runs the pipeline at a time. Concurrent runs against the same _targets store will wreak havoc. And needless to say; if you are developing new features or customising the pipeline use a different _targets store. (We should probably have a custom DEV or testing folder for this, similar to PIP_Data_Testing.) cache

The survey data output of {pipdp} cannot be directly used as input to the Poverty Calculator Pipeline. This is because the data needs to be cleaned before running the necessary pre-calculations for the PIP database. The cleaning currently includes removal of rows with missing welfare and weight values, standardising of grouped data, and restructuring of datasets with both income and consumption based welfare values in the same survey. Please refer to {wbpip} and {pipdm} for the latest cleaning procedures.

In order to avoid doing this cleaning every time the pipeline runs an intermediate version of the survey data is stored in the cache/clean_survey_data/ folder. Please make sure this folder is up-to-date before running the _targets.R pipeline.

Note: This is not exactly true. We need to solve the issue with the double caching of survey data. But the essence of what we want to accomplish is to avoid cleaning and checking the survey data in every pipeline run.. output

This folder contains the outputs of the Poverty Calculator Pipeline. This is seperated into three subfolders; aux containing the auxiliary data, estimations containing the survey, interpolated and distributional pre-calculated estimates, and survey_data containing the cleaned survey data. validation

TBD Andres: Could you write this section?.

3.6.2 tb_data

TBD Andres: Could you write this section?.