New features

New features

  • Add /pip-grp as a new endpoint for aggregated statistics
  • Soft deprecate group_by argument in /pip
  • Change parameter version_length for vintage_pattern in extract_data_dirs(). The algorithm for extracting valid versions has been modified.
  • Add option to enable disk based caching of pip() and pip_grp()
  • Add asynchronous processing of slow API requests


  • Increase maximum limit for povline parameter from 100 to 10 000
  • Remove unnecessary columns from API response
  • Add estimation_type and distribution_type to the API response when fill_gaps=TRUE
  • Use pip_grp() to calculate aggregated statistics in UI functions; ui_hp_stacked() and ui_pc_regional()
  • Add unit tests for pip_grp()
  • Improve filtering of data version directories in create_versioned_lkups()
  • Add country and region name to /pip response
  • Make sure latest data version is available as a specific version (not just as “latest_relase”)
  • Use fs functions rather than base R’s.

Bug fixes

  • Duplicates are no longer created when fill_gaps=TRUE
  • Add povline=NULL option for /cp-key-indicators endpoint. This fixes an issue with the UI ingestion.
  • Fix bug where distributional stats were incorrectly returned as missing for extrapolated surveys when fill_gaps=TRUE
  • Add reporting_level to the output of ui_cp_poverty_charts()
  • Make sure ui_cp_poverty_charts() only returns non-national observations when a country has no surveys with national coverage
  • Fix a bug in the application of censoring within pip_grp()
  • Add a specific empty repsonse for pip_grp() to ensure that the response is consistent when no data is available
  • Fix a bug in the selection of most recent value (year="MRV") when country="ALL"

Initial release of the API that powered the PIP soft-launch on February 9, 2022

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.