All functions |
Add pre-computed distributional stats |
Return citation from the version |
Create countries vectors |
Create one list of lookups per data version |
create vintage call to be parsed into |
Empty response schema |
Return identity from the version of the data |
Return the ppp date from the version of the data |
Return the release date from the version of the data |
Coerce variable causing potential duplicates to NAs |
Remove duplicated rows created during the interpolation process |
Standardize cache_id format to avoid duplication of rows |
Populate list in parent frame |
Helper to filter metadata aggregate distribution need to be filtered out when popshare is not null This is a temporary function until a full fix is implemented, and popshare is supported for all distributions |
Return specified auxiliary data |
Get valid query parameter values Get vector of accepted query parameter values for the API |
Return the versions of the pip packages used for computations |
Efficient "if" "else" evaluation of null. |
Test whether a vector is length zero and IS not NULL |
Compute PIP statistics |
Calculate estiamtes for aggregates different to the official regional aggregation |
Compute various aggregations of PIP statistics |
Logic for computing new aggregate |
List of valid coverage values |
Return the version of the data |
select_country Helper function for subset_lkup() |
helper function to correctly filter look up table according to requested reporting level |
select_years Helper function for subset_lkup() |
Main function to launch the API |
Country Profiles Charts |
Country Profiles Key Indicators download |
Country Profiles Key Indicators |
Home Page Country Charts |
Home Page Main Chart |
Poverty Calculator Main chart |
Poverty Calculator regional aggregates |
Data Sources Survey Metadata |
Return available valid years |
Return versions of the data available. |